Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know all about the natural tones and organic textures being the hip and happening style guide for this year. But while you may be yawning at another lackluster, beige, living-room or bathroom, we have the inside scoop on how to add details that will have you filled with joie de vivre walking around your home.
Plush curves and interesting arcs are in! But no need to rush to Home Depot in an attempt to design and build your own wooden accent table. Adding touches of the right sophisticated pieces might be all that’s required.
TikTok hashtag #bathroommakeover has skyrocketed, gaining over 1 billion views. Creators utilizing this hashtag, posting videos of clever, simply ways to renovate every room in the home without so much as breaking a sweat. Our suggestions of choosing small ticket decorative items that add massive impact is demonstrated across the platform.
While curves in architecture can be featured throughout the home in doorways, ceilings and countertops, you can try a less permanent approach. Experiment with some additional lighting in the bathroom, bedroom, living-room or study. Romantic curvatures in warm metals like Brass Gl